Stepped On As A Puppy, This Paralyzed Pug Has An Unbreakable Spirit. I’ve Fallen In Love!

08 Jul

By Jessica

Pepe the pug has come a long way. When he was just a puppy, someone accidentally stepped on him, severing his spine and paralyzing him. His then owners decided they couldn’t keep him, and gave him up for adoption. A puppy with such a large disability usually does not have a bright future, but the workers at the National Pug Rescue in LA did not give up on him!

Pepe was fostered and given rehabilitation, and soon even found himself adopted by someone who worked in the shelter, so he spends his days playing with other dogs! Even though he’s faced …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming


This Paralyzed Pug Was Given Up – Wait Till You See How He’s Doing Today!

08 Jul

By Jessica

Pepe the pug has come a long way. When he was just a puppy, someone accidentally stepped on him, severing his spine and paralyzing him. His then owners decided they couldn’t keep him, and gave him up for adoption. A puppy with such a large disability usually does not have a bright future, but the workers at the National Pug Rescue in LA did not give up on him!

Pepe was fostered and given rehabilitation, and soon even found himself adopted by someone who worked in the shelter, so he spends his days playing with other dogs! Even though he’s faced …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming


At First, I Wasn’t Amazed… 10 Seconds In, I Could NOT Stop Laughing!!

08 Jul

By Amy

Who’s that face in the crowd? Why, it’s an adorable Boxer behind, showing off the best darn costume I’ve ever seen. The annual Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade in New York City sees all sorts of amazing dog costumes (if you’re into that sort of thing) but this costume? Now this costume, I can really get behind. HA!

Now nothing happens in this video, other than the pup wagging its tail — but it’s enough to crack me up. I’ve already shared this with my friends, and it’s giving them a case of the giggles. Oh, and please note the dog’s …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Adorable! My Dog Had The GREATEST Reaction To Getting Her Head Massaged!!

08 Jul

By Erin Lynch

All I can say is, I have never been more jealous of a dog in my entire life! Those things feel amazing!!!

Just watch as Silver, an absolute dream of a Husky, gets the four-star treatment from her owners with a nice head massage!

Silver has come along way since she was adopted from the local shelter at the age of one. At that time she was in very bad shape and not only was she afraid of strangers, but she was petrified of men. Thankfully, her new owners have taken the time to get her more accustomed to people and in …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny


My Older Dog Was Having A Nightmare, Look What I Caught My Puppy Doing To Her!

08 Jul

By Amy

One night, pet parent Ariel walked in on her older Golden Retriever having a nightmare while snoozing on the floor. Her new pup, a much younger and smaller version of the older pup, was sitting right there, watching his new big sister go through the motions of a bad dream. The way she shows such care and concern at such a young age completely melted my heart. By the end of this clip, I was a puddle on the floor. Seriously, you have to see how this puppy reacts to consoling his friend.

It’s clear to see these two are already …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


She Went Out With Her Husband, And The Most INSANE Thing Happened While They Were Gone. OH MY GOD.

08 Jul

By Erin Lynch

What would you do if you came home from a wonderful evening out with the family only to find that your beloved, yet mischievous, dog decided to do a little redecorating?

That is exactly what happened to this poor family when they walked in the door and found that their pup managed to get into an entire can of white paint that was sitting in the closet.

Sadly, the paint incident wasn’t just contained to the closet. No, this pup decided to traipse throughout the house, jump on the couch, check out the bathroom, walk through the kitchen, the living room, and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


I Came Home To My House Covered In Paint, You Won’t Believe Who Did It!!

08 Jul

By Erin Lynch

What would you do if you came home from a wonderful evening out with the family only to find that your beloved, yet mischievous, dog decided to do a little redecorating?

That is exactly what happened to this poor family when they walked in the door and found that their pup managed to get into an entire can of white paint that was sitting in the closet.

Sadly, the paint incident wasn’t just contained to the closet. No, this pup decided to traipse throughout the house, jump on the couch, check out the bathroom, walk through the kitchen, the living room, …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


My Dog Is Afraid Of The Funniest Thing, He’s So Silly!!

08 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Dogs can be pretty goofy sometimes and for some reason it’s the largest breeds that can be the biggest babies!

Take this adorable Yellow Labrador for example, it appears he has crossed paths with this cat on the stairs before. This poor pup wants to see him Mom so badly but he just can’t muster up the courage to pass the kitty!

Lucky for us, he finds his inner strength and climbs those stairs, and yes, he gets a little swat as he goes by!

How adorable!!!

Please SHARE this video with your friends!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Cat, Dog, Funny


A Fisherman Spotted A Stranded Dog Floating Towards Certain Death. What Happened Next Is AMAZING!

08 Jul

By Erin Lynch

This is an absolutely incredible rescue and I can’t believe it was caught on tape! This clip dates back to 2010, but has recently seen a resurgence online and after you see it you’ll know why.

While out to see in the Magadan Port in the Okhotsk Sea near Siberia, a few fisherman spotted a black dog shivering and floating on a small piece of ice. The crew knew they had to do something or the dog would perish. So, one of the brave men swam out in the frigid waters to retrieve the poor dog.

Remarkably, the pup stayed put as …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog, Pets in the News