This Baby Is Having The CUTEST Conversation With This Dog. Adorable!!

07 Jul

By Erin Lynch

I can’t say for sure what is the most adorable part of this clip. Is it the baby, the lab, or the fact that the two might be the cutest best friends? Either way, this is a must watch!

You can tell from the start that all this baby wants to do is play with that ball, and at first, it appears that this Lab wants no part of it! Then, of course, being the sweet gentleman that he is, this Lab shares his favorite toy!

After watching this video, it’s pretty easy to see why Labs are one of the most …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog


Hidden Camera Catches A Pack Of Dogs Breaking Into A Busy Office!

07 Jul

By Jessica

If you work in an office, you know that stress can sometimes be a daily part of life. The people over at Dogswell wanted to make everyone’s day a little brighter in one particular office, so they contacted them and asked if they could film them for a local news segment. Not knowing what the segment was going to be about, the office agreed, and when the fake news team arrived, no one was prepared for what came next – a bunch of sweet dogs!

As soon as the dogs were let into the office, cameras captured the big smiles from …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


A Bunch Of Dogs Broke Into An Office, A Hidden Camera Caught What Happened Next!

07 Jul

By Jessica

If you work in an office, you know that stress can sometimes be a daily part of life. The people over at Dogswell wanted to make everyone’s day a little brighter in one particular office, so they contacted them and asked if they could film them for a local news segment. Not knowing what the segment was going to be about, the office agreed, and when the fake news team arrived, no one was prepared for what came next – a bunch of sweet dogs!

As soon as the dogs were let into the office, cameras captured the big smiles from …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog


I Can’t Stop Laughing. This Is What My Dogs Do Every Time They Take A Bath!

07 Jul

By Erin Lynch

Have you ever seen any animal, let alone two puppies, THIS excited about taking a bath?

These two pups can hardly contain themselves once they hear their owner mention the word “bath!” They charge so fast up those stairs, it’s tough for their owner to keep up with them!

Just wait until they finally get into the bathroom – then the race begins to see who can hop in the tub first!

These excited puppies are just too cute for words!

Enjoy! Please SHARE this with your friends!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


This Marine And His Dog Saved Each Other’s Lives. Their Touching Story Brought Me To Tears.

07 Jul

By Caroline

Captain Jason Haag fell into a bad place when he returned home from his second deployment overseas. He says he was trained to fight and be strong, but not able to turn that off at any point. Years of being on medications and in treatment didn’t help him, so right when he felt like he had nothing left, this proud service member decided to give a service dog a try.

Capt. Haag met 3-year-old German Shepherd, Axel, right before the dog was about to be put down. After two months of living together, Haag drop 20 of his prescribed medications and …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Heartwarming, Touching


This Dog’s Ability To Help Sick Children Blew Me Away. I’m So Touched!

07 Jul

By Caroline

It’s no secret that having a dog is great for humans’ health. They put us in a happier mood, help relieve stress and make us laugh! However, I had no idea that there is a scientific reason that canines are great for prolonging human life.

Meet McGee, a therapy dog who does so much more than comfort sick children and adults while they are hospitalized. This dog actually helps IMPROVE their conditions! I am so blown away by this video. This is exactly why every person should own a dog… or at least spend quality time with one!

If you love animals …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


My Dog Attempts To Play Catch, And The Results Are Hysterical!

07 Jul

By Erin Lynch

I can watch this video all day long, I can’t stop laughing! This dog absolutely cracks me up! Meet these two beautiful Golden Retrievers, one named Max who is absolutly amazing at catching Cheerios, the other…well, the other not so much! Although Sophie might not be the greatest at playing catch, she most certainly is the cutest in my book! Just sit back, relax and enjoy the show that Sophie about to put on for you! You most certainly will not regret it! Get ready to smile and if you know someone who needs to smile, this just too …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


Hero Dog Saves A Baby Bird From Drowning! This Is Incredible!

07 Jul

By Amy

After spotting a distressed bird struggling to stay afloat, a heroic dog named Jax jumped into the water, grabbed hold of the little guy and brought him back to shore. Jax’s Dad looks on and makes sure Jax knows to be gentle with the frightened bird, which seems instinctual for the pup.

Hunting dogs like Jax will fetch without putting any teeth marks in the bird as they retrieve. This heroic canine clearly uses his training to help — not hurt — this bird.

Please SHARE this awesome moment!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, birds, Dog


Little Baby’s Very First Howl Melts My Heart! Cutest Thing EVER!

07 Jul

By Erin Lynch

This is Belka, the most adorable Alaskan Malamute/Siberian Husky mix in the entire world, who has just learned to howl for the first time! Oh, and to make this even more adorable, I should probably mention that she is only 20 weeks old!

Howling is one of the many forms of vocal communications used by dogs and the Malamute and Husky breeds are known to be very, very vocal. Not only do dogs howl to attract attention, but they also can do it to make contact with others and to announce their presence.

Just by looking at how this little pup is …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


I Thought It’d Be Fun To Blow Bubbles At My Dog And Baby, But I NEVER Expected This!

07 Jul

By Amy

Feeling the urge to smile, but you just can’t get find it in ya? Then you gotta watch this adorable baby boy Nolan laugh as Stoli, his canine brother, chases after a whole bunch of bubbles. SO CUTE!! Bubble popping is probably the funniest thing this baby has seen, and the dog’s oh-so-serious nature about popping as many as he can makes this entire thing even more hilarious! What an adorable duo, and what a happy, joyful little boy.

How can you watch this without smiling?! That giggle is contagious!

Please SHARE with others… and pass on the smile!

…read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Babies, Dog