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Why Is This Dog Looking Over His Shoulder? Just Watch What He Does Next! HILARIOUS!

29 Aug

By John

Sometimes, you’ve got to wait for just…the…right…moment. And then it’s time to act! When this pup is sure his pet parent has left the room, he tries to get the food on the table in the most hysterical way! I really couldn’t stop laughing at this determined little guy.

It’s even funnier because he keeps looking over his shoulder to make sure his person isn’t coming back. I almost cheered out loud when he finally got it. And I’m pretty sure his dad wasn’t too upset at his pal for being such a sneaky thief… how could you be when you’ve …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


It’s Official, My Dog Just Learned The Cutest Trick Ever!

29 Aug

By Julie Di

What’s the quickest way to get a room full of people to say “aw”?

Teach your Golden Retriever how to hug!

That’s exactly what this owner did, and I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen anything cuter in my life! Goldens are such loving dogs anyway, it seems natural to teach them this one special trick!

Now I want to go home and see if I can start teaching my pup how to do this!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


Our Dog Just Met A Bunch Of New Kittens, And Did The Most Adorable Thing!

29 Aug

By Julie Di

Brian the dog has just met a bunch of kittens for the first time, and he’s so excited, he just don’t know what to do! The best part is, even though you can tell how interested he is, he’s also so gentle, it’s just adorable!

While some people might be nervous having a grown dog so up close and personal to a bunch of little kittens, mama cat is right there, and seems completely okay with everything that Brian is doing – even when he picks up one of the kittens by the scruff and tries to carry it!

Just more proof …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Cat, Dog


Adopted Pit Bull Saves The Life Of An 8-Year-Old Boy!

29 Aug

By Julie Di

When 8-year-old Jesse-Cole and his sister Jasmine were playing in the woods behind their house with a bunch of other kids, they made sure their adopted pit bull, Hades, came along with them, and this choice might have saved both their lives.

After another kid in the group stepped on a rotten log and unleashed a swam of angry bees, the group of kids rushed up the steep embankment to get away. But Jesse, being the smallest, couldn’t follow the group, and was stung again and again. Hades, sensing real danger, grabbed Jesse and dragged him up the hill, and then …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Amazing, Dog


A Hunter Found A Bag In A Field, When He Opened It Up He Was SHOCKED By What Was Inside!!

29 Aug

By Ginger Divine

While out on a rabbit hunting trip, a few men in Russia came across a strange bag in the middle of a field. When they got a little closer they realized that the bag was actually moving and something was inside!

One of the hunters was brave enough to untie to knot on the bag and take a peek inside. When you see what was stuffed in this bag you’re going to feel sick. How can people on this Earth be so cruel?

Thank God these hunters were there that day, it’s a miracle and proof that some kind of higher …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Uncategorized


I Caught My Daughter Doing The Weirdest Thing To My Dog, You HAVE To See This!!

29 Aug

By Ginger Divine

Move over Cesar Millan, there is a new Dog Whisperer in town and even though she is pint sized, she really means business!

According to her father, this adorable little girl loves to spend her evenings hanging out at home and having long chats with her cute little dog named Oreo. Seriously, these two communicate with each other on a whole other level, you just have to watch!

You can tell these two have such a special bond and really love each other. They even have their own language!

Enjoy and please SHARE this video with your friends and family! …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Funny, Kids


No One Likes Being Tickled More Than This Puppy! Look At That HUGE Grin!

29 Aug

By Julie Di

There are people out there who don’t think that animals have feelings the way humans do, or can even feel things such as joy or love. But those of us who own pets know that simply isn’t the case!

Bear the Shih-Tzu is a great example of dogs feeling pure joy! When his owner tickles him, Bear couldn’t be happier, and it’s written all over his face!

How could anyone watch this video without deciding that dogs can indeed feel happiness the way we do?

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog


I Finally Figured Out Why Our Dog Was Howling Every Afternoon At 1:00 PM!

29 Aug

By Julie Di

Maisie the cockapoo had started to howl every afternoon at the same time. Her owners couldn’t figure out what would happen after they let her outside. What was going on – and what was she seeing, or hearing?

One day they decided to follow her out with a video camera, and wouldn’t you know it, there was a definitely reason for her odd behavior: ice cream! Well, the ice cream truck, anyway!

I have to say, once I hear that song a few times, I kind of want to howl for it to stop, too!

Please SHARE this funny dog!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog, Funny


He Set Up A Hidden Camera To Watch What His Dog Does Right Before He Comes Home!

29 Aug

By Julie Di

It always sweet when our dogs greet us at the door, but have you ever wondered what they do right before you walk in?

One man wanted to know what his Akita pup did right before he walked through the door, so he set up a hidden camera, and the results are so cute! You can watch the dog get excited right before he walks in, and then the way he’s greeted is just the most adorable thing ever!

Does your dog show you this much appreciation when you come home? How could you not love this?

Please SHARE!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Amazing, Dog


Dog Abandonded By Owners, Gets His Happy Ending!

29 Aug

By Alexis Morgan

A shepherd mix dog was abandoned by his owners and left alone in the unoccupied for nearly two months before he was discovered.

The power lightworker thought he heard noises coming from the house, which hadn’t been lived in for months, and decided to investigate. Inside the home, he found a severely malnourished dog. Heartbreakingly, there was a large hole dug in the sheet rock that the dog had dug as he tried in vain to escape.

The dog was taken to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) in Independence, Mo. were he received his care and began …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Dog