
14 Apr

Harvard “My Protector” Ellison

Harvard “My Protector” Ellison

His name alone is a lot to live up to, and it comes full of responsibility.  Whether he is herding a pack of dogs at the beach or patrolling the house to ensure his furry companions don’t need a hand in what they are doing, Harvard’s presence is always felt.  From guarding each window and door in the house to being ready to pounce on a suspicious character at a moment’s notice, he takes his role as “my protector” very seriously.  Although I try to tell him that “It’s okay, I’ve got things under control,” he doesn’t go by what I say; he goes by what I feel.  He knows when I am not being the leader of the pack, which is why furLifeLiving is a daily goal’s challenge and blessing.  Our pets are the most sensitive and honest beings around us.  When I am out of touch with how my energy comes across, Harvard “My Protector” shows up.  That’s when I stop what I am doing and thinking and simply relax in the unconditional love of my fur-babies.  As I regain my inner strength, Harvard is ready for The Walk.  This walk is important to Harvard because when I show up with confidence as the pack leader, he enjoys his strolls and loves the outdoors.  He is the envy of all the other dogs (in Mommy’s mind, at least).  Harvard is described by groomers, day camp workers, and friends who watch him when I travel as a love bug, a funny, smart, cuddly, and friendly dog who makes fur friends easily.

Harvard likes to surf the kitchen counters for snacks, keep the trash cans empty, and try his hardest to keep Betty Boop from enjoying her food.  In the house or outside, he keeps me on my toes and encourages laughter and smiles all day.  He is my cute big boy.