This Army Veteran Wasn’t Sure If His Military Buddy Would Remember Him…What Happens Next Brought Me To Tears!

15 Jul

By Erin Lynch

This story simply melts my heart! These two soldiers spent 5 years and 100 missions together in Iraq detecting roadside bombs, but when Sergeant Jason Bos had to retire due to a back injury in 2012, they went two years without seeing each other.

Bos wasn’t sure if he would ever cross paths with his best friend and constant companion, a chocolate Lab named Cila, ever again. But fate intervened when Bos found out that Cila was going to retire from her service too. With the help of the American Humane Association and Mission K9 Rescue, Cila was flown from …read more

Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Heartwarming


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