You’ll NEVER Guess What’s Underneath These Covers! There’s NOTHING Cuter!

05 Aug

By Amy

Peek-a-boo, I see you! As soon as mom lifts the blankets, what she reveals took my breath away — just because it’s so darn adorable, and so very unexpected!

Not only is Brutus the Great Dane taking his afternoon nap… but snuggled up right on top of him is PIGGY! Piggy, the family pig! OMG, so adorable, they were sleeping together under the same blanket. As mom and dad say, “These two are never-ending cuteness!”

They look so cozy! Now, get outta here Mom and Dad! Your kids are getting their beauty rest!

Please SHARE this adorable moment!

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Source: PetFlow Blog

Category: Adorable, Dog, Farm Animals


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